Living a life where the Word of God is alive

I’m Mei, a Singaporean who became a Christian in Shanghai in 2003.
I have an introverted and thinking personality, and set high expectations for myself. Including when it comes to the bible. However, within the first year of becoming a Christian, I already knew that I was not living a life where the bible is alive. These questions deeply bothered me in the first 15 years of faith.
Why can’t I hear God? What does it mean when people say the bible is a living word? What does walking with God even mean? Am I living as a Christian if I don’t feel, hear or think differently from before?
And when I read Isaiah 64:8, I immediately thought to myself, Gosh, I am the Clueless Clay, and that’s when the name Clueless had stuck with me ever since.
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
Isaiah 64:8 (NIV)
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand
I stayed clueless throughout the first 15 years of my faith. And it was not because I was lazy or didn’t pick up my bible to read. On the contrary, I attended bible study even before I decided to be a Christian and thereafter, had led bible study groups and read the bible cover to cover at least 5 times.
The Year when the bible came alive
I got a journaling bible in end 2018 and started to make notes on my new bible, select a verse from whatever chapter I was reading on Saturday and memorized it. I also take that same bible verse and journaled my verse-mapping notes.
The changes came in 2019 when the most obscure verse was spot on for what I needed during the week. We are talking about verse that said wash your face (Genesis 43:31) when I needed to calm down after quarreling with my spouse or why stay with sheep (Judges 5: 16) which prompted me to go over to my mom’s and found that my dad had fallen off the bed.
By the end of 2020, I was no longer clueless but confident that the bible is a living Word and that God knows me.
Friends: Nothing beats the joy of knowing that your Father in heaven knows. And that’s why I poured so much love into this, because I don’t want you to go through 15 years without someone sharing this with you.

1. Who is the Clueless Journal Gang?
I want the focus of this site to be on God. So instead of my face, I have created some friends to cheer you on your bible journey. There’s Clueless, Somebody, Everybody and Anybody, and you will find them on my social media cheering you on. If you haven’t, do follow my social media accounts.
2. How do I journey 1,189 days?
If you want all the bible journal workbooks from Genesis to the current & future issues, sign up at $4/month for my membership on BuyMeACoffee. If you are on social media, all you have to do is follow my accounts and watch my IG Stories daily or if you are female, you can join the Ladies Christian Fellowship Facebook group where the daily bible verse & journal prompts will also be shared.
3. What if I am starting the journey midway?
If you are starting midway, you can catch up on all the bible verse and prompts on my Instagram Story Highlights. You can also join the Facebook group and catch up on all the previous posts. And should you decide to subscribe as a member at buymeacoffee, you will have access to all the bible journal workbooks to go through at your own pace.
4. How can I get hold of the journal workbook for a certain bible book?
I am working on making available each bible journal workbook as a standalone product in my online shop. Meanwhile, the membership is super value for now – it’s $4 a month and you’d get the freshly brewed bible journal workbook plus all previous issues. p.s. the 1,189 days’ journey is complete and all 66 bible journal workbooks are available, for FREE! Sign up at the mailing list below and you’d receive an email on how to get free access!
At the end of the day, it is not about the bible reading plan. It is about consistency, reflection and action. Praying for your faith journey, amen