Grow Deeper in God’s Word with the 3C Bible Journaling Method

3C Bible Journaling Method – Clue, Contemplate, Commit. A guided approach to deepen your Bible study and spiritual growth
3C Bible Journaling Method – Clue, Contemplate, Commit. A guided approach to deepen your Bible study and spiritual growth

Access 66 Bible Journal Workbooks Designed to Strengthen Your Faith Journey

Our Mission: Deepen Your Faith Through Bible Journaling

Clueless Journal offers tools to help you engage deeply with Scripture. Our collection of 66 Bible journal workbooks, paired with the free 3C Bible journaling method, guides you on a path of spiritual growth and strengthens your relationship with God.

Bible journal PDF workbooks for all 66 books of the Bible, designed to help you reflect, study, and grow in your faith.

3C Bible Journaling Framework: Deepen Your Faith with Clue, Contemplate, and Commit

Our 3C Bible Journaling Framework offers a simple, yet powerful approach to unlocking the deeper truths in God’s Word. Engage with Scripture through three essential steps: Clue – Discover key insights, Contemplate – Reflect deeply on their meaning, and Commit – Apply them to your life. This holistic method helps you grow spiritually and connect with God’s message daily.

Learn how to deepen your connection with Scripture through the 3C method.

Bible journal, pen, and potted plant on a white background, symbolizing a peaceful space for Bible journaling and reflection.


Journey of 1,189 days with A Bible Chapter A Day, cover to cover

All Bible Journal Workbooks are completed ☕

Since 1 July 2021, I have been sharing a bible verse a day, along with daily journal prompts on socials and in Ladies Christian Fellowship Facebook Group. After 1,189 days, we have completed the bible cover to cover. I’m making all the editable bible journal workbooks available for free 🎁If you want the workbooks (all 66 books!), subscribe to receive email on how to get free access to the pdf workbooks.

p.s. I haven’t had the time to upload all the workbooks in the bible journal workbook store, but you can click through some of the images to know what the bible journal workbooks look like.


Daily Bible Verse & Journal Prompts in your Social Media

I know how hard it is to be consistent in bible reading. Thus, my mission is to make it easy for you to read a bible chapter a day, by bringing you daily bible verse & journal prompts from each chapter to your social.

That’s a 1,189 days commitment between you and me. IG Stories & Pins drop at 8am GMT+8/ 8pm ET/ 12am GMT. Get connected at:

@thecluelessjournal on Instagram

TheCluelessJournal on Pinterest


Journey of Faith is never meant to be taken alone

Facebook Group Ladies Christian Fellowship for a faith journey

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

James 2:26 (NIV)

If you desire for the bible to be a living word, it has to be lived out. I know that it is not easy. Why not join the Ladies Christian Fellowship on Facebook Group to have other ladies journey with you the 1,189 days? Daily bible verse & journal prompts will also drop in the FB group and you never know how someone’s sharing will change your life.