4 Things to Do before You Teach Your Kids – Deuteronomy 4 Bible Devotional

How do you teach faith? ๐Ÿค”

If you think it’s got to do with Sunday School lessons, kids’ bible devotional books or even reading the bible, this bible verse on teaching our kids may surprise you.

Spoiler alert ๐Ÿ˜‹ It doesn’t start with the materials, it starts with YOU.

What Deuteronomy 4 Taught Me about ‘Teaching’ Faith

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.

Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV)

This was what Moses taught the Israelites before they crossed over to the promised land. When I read this, a thought came to me ๐Ÿ’ก It would be impossible to teach my kid if I don’t hold God close to my heart ๐Ÿงก

What are the 4 things?

4 Things to do Before Teaching Your Kids – Lessons from Deuteronomy 4

Deuteronomy 4 Bible Devotional

Being Aware and Honest of your Faith Journey

Remembering how God has been Faithful

Holding God’s Faithfulness Close to Your Heart

Figuring out a Lasting System

Being Aware & Honest of your Faith Journey

Are you aware of your own faith journey? ๐Ÿค” For instance, do you regularly ask yourself:

  • Do I live each day depending on God?
  • When was the last time I felt that the bible is a living word?
  • What have I sacrificed or expended energy on that is related to Kingdom’s work?

Before you discount the importance of your own faith journey, let me share with you some moments that I see kiddo ‘learning’ from me. p.s. I’m FAR from perfect, but these are moments that I’ve glimpsed that kiddo ‘caught’.

  • Mommy is having a difficult time, but God sent help to encourage her!
  • Wow! This journal prompt is spot on for what’s happening in our life!
  • Mommy is spending lots of energy showing up for us and to do God’s work.

How serious am I about my own faith journey? If I’m serious about it, what actions would I take?

#1 Journal Prompt for Faith Journey

Remembering how God has been Faithful

You would think it’s easy to remember, but it’s not.

Overtime, memories fade, pride grew and if we are not careful, we may really forget God’s faithfulness.

Here’s the second journal prompt for you:

How has God carried you in the past? Journal 3 instances and take the time to share with your child.

#2 Journal Prompt on God’s Faithfulness

Holding God’s Faithfulness Close to Your Heart

Bible Verse Psalm

How do you hold something dear to your heart? Here’s some inspiration from holding on to our phone! ๐Ÿ˜‹

  1. Have it all the time – The Word of God shouldn’t be so far from us to the point that we don’t even remember when we last read it…
  2. Make sure we are filled aka have battery – If we feel disconnected spiritually, we have to make time to get reconnected.
  3. Connect to a safe network – If we are tempted away from God, we have to get rid of the temptations asap ๐Ÿ™

Here’s another journal prompt for you:

If I don’t have the bible for a week, would I feel any different?

#3 Journal Prompt on our heart

Figuring out a Lasting System

It’s not just a casual teaching, but a system that can be a legacy.

I have to be honest. I haven’t figured out how.

But I’m thinking a routine, family traditions or even starting a private blog or social media account where family members share their faith journeys. Share your ideas in the comments!

How can I build a system such that sharing about faith is intentional and part of my family values?

#4 Journal Prompt on System

Try journaling through the above 4 prompts. Remember that in all the great faith stories in the bible, action is always needed.

Our Faith before Teaching Faith

Deuteronomy 4 Journaling Prompt

What is my own faith journey like?

How can I teach my kid or share about God’s goodness? And how should I act such that my life is congruent with my sharing?

God, I haven’t put in much effort in teaching my child about You. Many days I felt dry and drained myself, and wonder what my faith really stand for in real life. Teach me O Lord, amen.

Books on Faith

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I found these books about faith which have received positive reviews ๐Ÿ’ช

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